
No records are showing...

rmann714 17 Dec, 2014

New user here. I just install CFv5 and CCv5.

Created new connection named applicantChargesList
Under Models...
Changed Model Title: applicantChargesListModel
Table Name: xyc_assets (<-my existing tablename)
Front List...
Display Name: Table
Columns List: name:name (<-a field in my table xyc_assets)
Permissions: index set to Public Allowed

The problem is that when I apply, save, and click on Front View...View Connection, nothing shows.
When I look at view source, all I see is this...

<div class="chrono-page-container">
<form action="/lowes/index.php/component/chronoconnectivity5/?cont=lists&ccname=applicantChargesList" method="post" name="admin_form" id="admin_form">

Any idea what I left out or need to do to get this working?

rmann714 18 Dec, 2014
I solved this by backing up my lists and forms, completely uninstalling CCv5 and CFv5. Then installed CCv5. Then installed CFv5. Cleared the cache files and everything worked.
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