
Output of form is incorrect

sodc 04 Dec, 2014
I have a form that when it gets submitted it is showing old/previous form fields being used. I ave tested on different browser, browser sessions, etc.

I have run a debug and this is what the debug shows.:
The data array is correct:
  [YourAge] => 2
    [HowMany] => 2
    [Referral] => Bulletin Board
    [button14] => Submit

However, the debug info shows the wrong output.
The List Names and Ages is from an old field that has been deleted. So if there is no field, not data aray, then why in results is there still and old label?
<tr><td>Your Age?</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr><td>How Many in Family?</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr><td>List Names and Ages of Family Members</td><td>{Family Members}</td></tr>
<tr><td>How Did You Find Out about this Event?</td><td>{How Did You Find Out About Contest?}</td></tr>
sodc 05 Dec, 2014
This was a duplicate post. Sorry about that. Anyways I could not fix so I just deleted and made a new form.
sodc 05 Dec, 2014
I thought this issue was resolved but it is not. I have made a new form and it was working properly until I added a new form field.
Here is the debug on it. The Data Array is correct. It is showing what I entered in form fields. But when you go to the debug info you will see that for the familyages field it enters the info from the family field instead of the familyages field.
Data Array
 [family] => 3
    [familyages] => names and ages

Here is the Debug Info
<tr><td>How Many in Family</td><td>3</td></tr>
<tr><td>Enter names and ages of family members</td><td>3</td></tr>
GreyHead 05 Dec, 2014
Hi sodc,

I can only say that in both cases it looks as though the Email template hasn't been updated to match the form input changes.

sodc 05 Dec, 2014
How do I guarantee the email template is updated? I have saved the changes, saved the form.
I don't see how that is the issue.

If the email template had not been updated why would it but [family] data in the [familyages] field? Why would it take data from another field and pot it in the field? For me it seems like a glitch, if not, what is the resolution?
GreyHead 06 Dec, 2014
Hi sodc,

You guarantee that the Email template is updated by editing it when you make a change to your form or by using the Auto Update option (not recommended if you want any custom HTML in the body of the template).

It won't take data from another input unless the names are mixed up. Note that input names should not include spaces.

As you know, the debugger output tells you want data is in which variable.

sodc 06 Dec, 2014
If you look at what I posted you will see the following:
1. The input names do not include spaces. One Fieldname and FieldID is family and other is familyages
2. The Data Array posted shows this is the case.
3. The Debug Info does not lie. It is obvious that the input from the family field was entered into the familyages field. It did not take what I entered into the familyages field. I had put names and ages.

I am confused about what you are calling the email template that needs to be updated. What is that?
I am assuming when I make a change to a field and save it. When I make a change to the form and save it that the email template is being updated. What is the email template? Where do I update it? Where is the auto update option?
sodc 07 Dec, 2014
I found the update option under the email field. Form works properly now.
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