
Multi page form: back button error, how to handle session

mistermotomax 01 Dec, 2014
First, congratulations and many thanks for your tremendous plugin! I've been through many tasks with it, and it makes a great job!

I try to set up a multi page form, and the only problem for me is the "page expired" problem: when I hit the back button, I get the "page expired" error.
I try this with your multi page form demo in my joomla and it produces a new session id, but it doesn't transfer the session id as a GET variable like in your online demo:
Is the GET variable neccessary at all? Do I have to read and use it?

I've done a lot of research in this and other forums, really. I know, I don't have to use Data to Session and vice versa in v5. In fact, I just try to run your demo with the browser-side "go back/forward" option.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Max_admin 01 Dec, 2014
Hi mistermotomax,

V5 comes with demo forms built in, just clock the "demo forms" button in the forms manager and inspect the multi page form.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mistermotomax 02 Dec, 2014
Hi Max,

thanks, but I thought that this might be misunderstood: I already use your Multi Page Form demo in my Joomla. It is exactly this form which I'm starting with and which already has the problem.

Best regards,
mistermotomax 02 Dec, 2014
You can test it here:

Best regards,
Max_admin 02 Dec, 2014
Sorry, I missed this, well, you should use a link instead of a back button then, this will not have the same problem!

You can get the previous page link by copying it from the browser's address bar.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 04 Dec, 2014
Hi mistermotomax,

The multi-page demo just has standard Submit buttons. The browser buttons working is not a deliberate setting that I recall.

mistermotomax 04 Dec, 2014
Hi Bob,

thanks for your reply! Would you share with me how it works, then?

Best regards,
GreyHead 07 Dec, 2014
Hi Max,

No idea - there's nothing special there that I can see.

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