
How to list all of Submissions

channelriyas 28 Nov, 2014
Hi guys,

First upon I am very thankful worked who behind this extension, its very advanced and lot of thing to learn & do!

I am new with ChronoForm, I need to create a contact form with storing to DB, I can store submissions to DB by Save DB option and I can download this as csv but I don't know how to fetch them as list inside ChronoForm under corresponding Form like as rows and column....

It will be very helpful if you can assist me on this!

Max_admin 28 Nov, 2014
Hi channelriyas,

This will have to be done using PHP (for now, maybe a future update will have a lister) OR you can use Connectivity for full table management (you can use the list only), please check the CCv5 section under the FAQs for Connectivity tutorials!

If you go for the PHP solution, then after a "db read", you can add a "custom code" action and loop through the records!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
channelriyas 28 Nov, 2014
Thanks Max for the quick reply!

I will check FAQs for Connectivity tutorials and will let you know if any questions.

Again Thanks for this extension and we are looking submission Lister in future versions.

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