
Event switcher

eleo_ 28 Nov, 2014
Hi, i've a question.
i've configured a Event switcher. How many action i can insert into "on success" and "on fail"?
I'd like to send two email into "on success" event but when i save the form it exit from "on success"

Can you help me?
BNDragon 28 Nov, 2014
Hi eleo_ ,

You can insert as many actions as you want.

Can you share more information? Some prints of your actions would help🙂

Max_admin 28 Nov, 2014
 when i save the form it exit from "on success"

What does that mean ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
eleo_ 09 Dec, 2014
I solved it. I had to create a new event switcher. I was trying with drag and drop.
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