
Check duplicate person in database

hv 27 Nov, 2014
I'm developing a form with a external database. The primary key is id ,but we have another field, dni (identity card) and is unique.
I need check if that person inserted in my database was already inserted or not.
How I can check it? I'm beginner in Joomla.

Thank you!
BNDragon 28 Nov, 2014
Hi hv,

Try a Custom code, check with a php code if he already exists.

hv 01 Dec, 2014
Hi BN,
Should I have a custom code before or after DB SAVE?
Don't I need reading my database?
And, do you have a code example?

Thank you for your answer!!
BNDragon 01 Dec, 2014
Hi hv,

I would switch the db save for a custom action, so I'll do it with some like:
(p.s. I'm assuming that your user is logged)
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$con=mysqli_connect("server, "username", 
"password", "databasename");
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Error: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$userExists= mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM 
"tablename" WHERE dni=".$user->get("id")."");

if (!$userExists) { 
$query= mysqli_query($con,"INSET INTO "tablename" ('dni', 'field1', 'field2', 'field3', 'field4', 'fieldN') VALUES ('".$user->get("id")."',"".$form->data["field1"]."","".$form->data["field2"]."","".$form->data["field3"]."","".$form->data["field4"]."","".$form->data["fieldN"]."")");

I dind't test the code, so please, test it and debug if needed.

inocampo 09 Dec, 2014

Good idea, but you can use "Event Switcher", custom Code for check if already exist the user with the Joomla API for less code.

$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query= 'SELECT * FROM #__tablename WHERE id='. $user->get("id");
$num_rows = $db->getNumRows();

if ($num_rows==0){
    return "success";
    return "fail";

In success option, you load the action "DB Save" and de Fail Option you load the action "Event Loop"

See the image

Try, good day
BNDragon 09 Dec, 2014
Hi inocampo,

That's a great idea, I didn't remember that😉

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