
Email Certain user on Select

penny 24 Nov, 2014
In my form I can choose a certain region - AB, BC, SASK, MAN (they are currently set as check boxes) When I choose a region and fill out the form I want that region to get the email. So If I choose AB as my region then the form will get sent to If I choose AB and BC as my region then the form will get sent to and
am I able to do this by somehow setting the variables in the "Dynamic" part of the send email event?

penny 04 Dec, 2014
I am just wondering if anyone had a chance to look at this.
GreyHead 04 Dec, 2014
Hi Penny,

This is tricky in CFv4 because I think I'm correct in saying that the standard Email action won't send to a list of addresses using the Dynamic To box. If you get my custom Email [GH] action that should work OK

For the basic code to set this up please see this FAQ

penny 04 Dec, 2014

Thanks for your reply. I installed the action through the Chronoforms action tab and it said that it installed successfully.

The directions that you added are unfortunately not that clear. I am going to assume that I am to use the email [GH] action in the Onsubmit.
These are the setting that I have
penny 04 Dec, 2014
I noticed an error in my PHP code and have fixed it to be the following
$recipient = JRequest::getString('recipients', 'em1', 'post');
$emails = array (
  'em1' => '',
  'em2' => '',
  'em3' => '',
  'em4' => '' );
$form->data['email_to_use'] = $emails[$recipient];
GreyHead 06 Dec, 2014
Hi Penny,

I can't see from here what option values you have in the drop-down and you don't seem to have edited the PHP to account for the need to send to more than one email address in some cases?

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

penny 08 Dec, 2014

I have since changed my select boxes to a "Group Select"

GreyHead 08 Dec, 2014
Hi Penny,

As you can see in the Debug output the email_to_use variable is empty. This is probably because you've switched to use a multi-select checkbox group but haven't updated the Custom Code to work with the array that this returns - you can see the values that has in the Debug Ouput.

penny 08 Dec, 2014
Oh dear.. I feel like this is becoming confusing...
So this is my set up.

I have a a group text box
Field Name and Field ID are set to "recipients"
in the options I have

On my Events - On Submit (in Order)
Show Thanks Message
Custom Code - Mode is Controller
$recipient = JRequest::getString('recipients', 'em1', 'post');
$emails = array (
  'em1' => '',
  'em2' => '',
  'em3' => '',
  'em4' => '' );
$form->data['email_to_use'] = $emails[$recipient];

Email [GH] - Enabled
To Field is - email_to_use 

Check Captcha
penny 05 Jan, 2015
Any help on this?

GreyHead 06 Jan, 2015
Hi Penny,

It looks as though you are still using the same PHP - and that is only returning a single email address. You need to update it to return an array or a comma separated list if you want to add more than one To Email address.

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