
Email field content missing

IRedsell 18 Nov, 2014

I am trying to find my way around Chronoforms V5 and have built myself a multipage(5) form with a DBSave and an email submission. Each page has text area questions and towards the last three pages has multifields.

I note that on the email I get all the questions (labels) formatted with no answers except for the last two items in curly brackets{}

In the database I get all the earlier items saved but not the last two.

I have checked that the pages are not resetting the variables.
I have attached the backup file

Any suggestions on what I can check next?
GreyHead 18 Nov, 2014
Hi IRedsell,

The backup file didn't make it :-(

How are you re-loading the data on the final submit to send the email? Are you using the Multi-Page action or a DB Read action?

What exactly are the last two items?

IRedsell 18 Nov, 2014

I am not reloading the data as I assumed I have it across the multi page loads.

The last two items are multifields.

The Save is happening on the last page as a DBSave
The email is occuring on the ONSubmit.

I attached a back up file but it obviously did not make it. I can send a second but not from the quick reply
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