
Paypal Description and Amount Empty

jcloudsnetwork 18 Nov, 2014

I using the "Paypal Redirect - Trial" upon form submission process and filled in the item name and amount in the configuration box but when redirect to Paypal page, the description and amount is empty.

I'm using Sandbox mode for testing. I attached my setting and result in Paypal page.

GreyHead 18 Nov, 2014
Hi jcloudsnetwork,

The Amount field takes the *name* of a form input with the amount as the value. If you want to use a fixed amount like $100, then add a Custom Code action before the PayPal action and add this code:
$form->data['amount'] = 100;
The put amount (with no quotes or brackets) into the Amount Field box, save the form and re-test.

jcloudsnetwork 18 Nov, 2014

Is it same for the "item description"?

GreyHead 18 Nov, 2014
Hi jcloudsnetwork,

Yes, exactly the same method. This seems a bit long-winded if you are only selling one item at one price - it makes much more sense when there are some user choices in the form.

If you are expecting to stay with one item at a fixed price then you could just add a PayPal hosted button in the Thank You page of the form. You lose a bit of control over the data but ti works OK.

jcloudsnetwork 20 Nov, 2014

I managed to pass item description and value to Paypal but the amount is not correct. I did the test follow your method, add custom code before Paypal re-direct plugin:

$form->data['amount'] = 100;

The amount show in Paypal will double, become 200.

On top of that, can Chronoform save form submission and check from Joomla administrator panel?

GreyHead 20 Nov, 2014
Hi jcloudsnetwork,

The trial version included with the ChronoForms installer randomises the amount. It's OK for development but you need the paid version to go live.

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