
submit result in same page under form

Mazin7 14 Nov, 2014
Hello guys,
I have a problem with what I do not get on:
I have a form, where you first select a database form a dropdown. In second step you can enter a sql query in a textarea. Then there is a button to submit. In the On Submit - Event i fetch the the data from the dropdown and the textarea und get the data from mysql with de entered sql query. This works so far.
Now my problem: I want to display the result on the same page where the form is. Exactly the result should be displayed right under the submit button. I spent even days to solve this, but solution with ajax und jquery didn't work for me -.-
So my question: How can i realize to display the result on the way i want with chronoforms?

I would be very happy if you could help me with that!
Thanks so far!

P.S.: sry for my bad english! :/
Max_admin 14 Nov, 2014
Hi Mazin,

The form submits to the "on submit" event by default, what you can do is to configure the "HTML" action and set the submit event to "load", now the form will submit to the same page/event (on load), and you can display your results using a "custom code" action under the "HTML" action.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Mazin7 14 Nov, 2014
Wow! I could not have imagined, that this is so easy to realize.
Thank you very very much!


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