
Dyanamic To using emails from radio list

Umbrella 13 Nov, 2014
I would like to use a radio button list of people to send a form to an email address based on the person chosen. I tried doing it in the Dynamic To field, but instead of the radio button. it shows the following when viewing the form...

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." class="validate['group:13'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip=""

Am I missing something? Thought this was the correct way to do this.

This is the format of the radio list: Person Person

GreyHead 14 Nov, 2014
HI gp,

Please see this FAQ for the 'spambot' message.

Please see this FAQ for a way to send to different emails.


PS I suggest that you don't user your email address as a username here as it will be publicly visible.
Umbrella 25 Nov, 2014
Thanks! I'll give those FAQs a shot.
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