
Add input field -> state variable and delete option?

teazmo 08 Nov, 2014
Hi guys,

Chronoforms is great. I tried the tutorial and it works fine. Now i'd like to know how I can delete (empty) list entries (like a 'delete this one'-button). And I realized, that after switching to another page like a summary of chosen items by clicking the 'go to the next page' button and then coming back the list of input fields switches back to just one. So how can I save the state/number of the listed items so no matter what browser is used it shows the right number of entries?

(Turns out they are still there but switched off) :?


Max_admin 08 Nov, 2014
Hi Teazmo,

If you have the latest v5.0.3 then you can restore the attached form backup file and that should add a demo form which shows how you can do what you need using the multiplier container.

Alternatively you may do what you need using custom JS code!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teazmo 09 Nov, 2014
Hi Max,

I tried the demo-flelds-multiplier-demo today. It's a nice tool, but there are some questions and issues I'd like to ask/point out:
- Why is there a 'add-one-button' (custom code) inside the container? It doesn‘t do anything.
- If I remove all buttons (by accident) there is only a single 'add-one-button' left, which doesn't work. Maybe leave one form?
- If I use the replacement string (e.g. __n__) the first form starts with '__n__' and not 1 or 0?
- After clicking the submit-button I use the debugger and after submitting this form it only shows the last entry (?)
Max_admin 25 Nov, 2014
Hi teazmo,

Apologizes for not replying sooner, missed this topic!

Which browser did you use for testing and do you have the latest update ? its working fine here on Firefox!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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