
Wizard does not save the changes to my form

tshirley 04 Nov, 2014

I have written a number of Chronoforms forms, and I have now found one where I can no longer edit it.

It is moderately complex - having some Containers and tabs - but I don't think it is unusually difficult.

It has been running well but in the last couple of days I needed to make some changes and I found it would not save the changes. It simply drops them. There is no error, but also no blue banner saying the change is successful. This happens with adding fields or events, but if I reconfigure an existing field or event it will not save.

I tried different browsers. I tried changing a different form, and this worked. I took a copy of the form and that didn't work.

I am guessing that there is some corruption in the html but how do I find it?


tshirley 04 Nov, 2014
Sorry, I noticed an error in my post above.

I should have said that this failure to save happens when I try to add a new field or event. It works correctly if all I do is reconfigure an existing field or event.

Thank you.
tshirley 04 Nov, 2014
Thanks, I have now contacted MAX as requested in the FAQ, as it seems I may need the patch that is mentioned.

I do have multiple container elements in the form because I wanted to use the tabbed format - though the total number of fields is not large (less than 50) the presentation is better with the tabs and containers.

In the worst case I can drop the containers and tabs but I would prefer not to.

Thanks again (as always).

Max_admin 04 Nov, 2014
Hi Tim,

The v4 patch was for an earlier release, the stable release has all the patches, and the solution will be in changing the server settings as explained in the FAQ posted by Bob.

Alternatively you may give v5 a try as it has some workarounds for this problem, v5 can work with v4 on the SAME website!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
tshirley 04 Nov, 2014
Hi Max,

Thank you. I have found max_input_vars set to 2000 so I will see about getting it increased.

With V5 of Chronoforms can I migrate forms created in V4 or will I need to start afresh?

GreyHead 04 Nov, 2014
Hi Tim,

There is an experimental importer in CFv5 that will have a go at importing a CFv4 backup into CFv5. It has limited capability though. In practice it is more practical to rebuild in CFv5 if that is essential. But in most cases you can stay with CFv4 and use CFv5 for new site (or new forms).

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