
Show fields after make a selection in the dropdown

tagtraum123 30 Oct, 2014
Hi guys im new here.

So i wanna make a dropdown with 3 values like (wedding, fashion, shooting).
I know how to make a dynamic dropdown. But how do i make to show the fields after i make the selection in the dropdown field?
Example: I choose wedding and after i choose that i want that the fields like (textarea,textbox,radiobox) get showed. If i choose fashion then i want other field to get showed.
Is like 3 Formulars in one. Is that possible?

Sorry for my bad english.

Thx and greets
Max_admin 30 Oct, 2014
Hi Tagtraum123,

v5 has a set of demo forms, one of them is called demo-fields-events, it does exactly what you want to do here, you can examine it to find how this can be done!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
tagtraum123 30 Oct, 2014
Thx Max thats worked fine =)

Greets Jonas
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