
form loaded twice, probably due to joomfish (joomla 2.5); export of data into csv or xls

bastler 27 Oct, 2014

got a problem that chronoforms-forms are loaded twice into content; just one is visible. but if clicking send, both forms are sent. i guess that joomfish is the problem.
the form contains address of customer and some checkboxes. i also need to be able to export this data into csv/xls.

looking forward for some help.

best regards,
GreyHead 27 Oct, 2014
Hi Daniel,

There is no normal reason why a form would be shown twice with or without Joomfish. I assume that the Chronoforms tag only appears once in the article?

How exactly do you know that 'both forms are sent.? Do you get two emails?

The CSV Export action will let you export form results to a CSV file which can be opened in Excel.

bastler 27 Oct, 2014
Hi Bob, thanks for the quick answer; send you a pm...
GreyHead 27 Oct, 2014
Hi Daniel,

Hmmm I can't work out what is happening here. If I go to the form at this url /baby-nutrition/free-samples?lang=en&chronoform=freesamples then I get two Emails - but if I go to the direct form URL /index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=freesamples&tmpl=component then I only get one email.

So something is happening with the SEF redirection to submit the form twice. I don't have any idea what that might be :-(

I suggest that you try adding a Submit Limit action from the Security Actions group - and drag an Error Loop action into the pink On Fail box. This should block any second submissions.

bastler 28 Oct, 2014
hi Bob,
Thanks a lot for your hint. I'll try that and let you know if it works.

Best regards,
bastler 02 Nov, 2014
Hi Bob,

finally found some time to test your hint. unfortunately no succesa... didn't find the submit limit action in securyty actions, see image. Am i looking on the wrong place?

Anyhow, hope to find someone to help as paid service.

best regards,
bastler 02 Nov, 2014
... and of course the image...
GreyHead 02 Nov, 2014
Hi Daniel,

You are right, the Submit Limit action is in CFv5 not in CFv4. My Anti Flood [GH] action does more or less the same thing in CFv4.

bastler 13 Nov, 2014
Hi Bob, tested Anti Flood GH, but it got even worse. I received about 300mails within a few minutes. probably a missconfiguration by me...

Pls could you give me a quote for fixing this? I just don't know what to do anymore. As you've written: non-sef is working as it should.

and then there is another thing i would like to ask for quoting - if possible (to you or any other guy woh reads this): writing the data from the form to an excel that is on a local computer, means every new entry is written to the same xls without having the necessity to download a new xls or csv from the site. I just read in this forum that this probably could be done with google spreadsheets => the goal would be the same: one xls that gets filled continually filled with new submissions.

Looking forward for your answer.

thank you and best regards,
GreyHead 14 Nov, 2014
Hi Daniel,

By all means email or PM me the site URL, the form name, and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

Please see this FAQ for help with saving to a Google Spreadsheet.

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