
Suggestion / add missing features for wordpress

grafik 24 Oct, 2014
Add Support of this (joomla) feature to WP too:
somehow set a width for a multiple colums didnt work the wordpress plugin.
hope it could be added for wordpress too.

because klick on Front View/View Form from wordpress backend doesnt do anything. (also Test Form didnt work)
long/hard way: fix it 😉 (but do better work than Gravity Forms, where form is loaded without template)
maybe it is possible to let WP generate a "blank" single page, where you dynamic load/add the correct shortcode, or maybe use a CustomPostType for that.

easy way: replace it with the shortcode instead (like Contact Form 7)
at owerview replace view form with the shortcode.
at Detail-View remove form view, add this "help-line" instead to general tab:
Copy this code and paste it into your post, page or text widget content.[Chronoforms5 chronoform="YOUR_FORM_NAME"]
(if possible of course with the correct formname)

had downloaded plugin today (24.10.2014) from:
and need to upgrade that version via wordpress after install, maybe linked file is not the latest version, can you check that
Max_admin 24 Oct, 2014
Hi Grafik,

Thank you for the suggestions and hints!🙂 I'm currently trying to get the "view form" function to work.

The file on the WP website is up to date, please use it instead.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 25 Oct, 2014
Hi Grafik,

I have fixed the test/view links issue, please check them by updating the plugin from WP site and let me know!

Regarding the multi columns, how exactly it doesn't work ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
grafik 27 Oct, 2014
Hi Max

thank you for the hint-line at overview, but why not add correct shortcode each form?

view form
thank you for your effort, "view form" works now😀
unfortunately it didnt work for me 😟 but this problem occur because of my custom front-page template. 😉

even now when view form works, i would suggest to add this
<?php if (!empty($this->data['Form']['title'])) {
		echo '<p>You can add any form to any of your website pages using this shortcode:<br></p><p>[Chronoforms5 chronoform="'. $this->data['Form']['title'] .'"]</p>';
		} ?>
to General Tab or below the Title/Description.

because after testing, you only work with the snippetcode to display the form,
with this "help" you can do it with simple copy paste, that would be the best/easiest way for customers.

even better would be: let us use any character for Title. and add a slug field below title, that only allows lowercase characters and numbers, and use that instead of the title for shortcode -> less possible problems.

Regarding the multi columns
c) on these Column containers, if you move a mouse to the right edge you can grab the container edge and drag it to the left to re-size the container, when you do the second one it will move up next to the first.
^^ this didnt work. there is no edge to grab.
of course i can create colums and style them with css, but for that i didnt need to set them up as multi_colums/colums.

Best Regards
grafik 27 Oct, 2014
additional post (because i didnt found a edit post funtion at this forum anymore)
" add any form " at my code should of course "add this form"

Auto Generated Email Template
dont know if it is WP related or CFv5 related => Problem: empty Labels
If you dont use labels for your inputs, but instead use placeholders you get something ugly
<tr><td>array (
  'text' => '',
  'position' => 'top',
Suggestion: If label is empty use placeholder at email instead, or add a hide label option

and somehow i had inside the autogenerated email template twice the captcha
as results this give two empty rows at email

Best Regards
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