
Can't edit or create new forms - Magic quotes are off

johk 23 Oct, 2014
I have a problem I can’t figure out in the admin section.
When going to Chronoforms and ANY sublink – all I see is the list of forms.
For example if I go to Form Wizard I see the list of my forms BUT the buttons (save close) at the top have changed accordingly.
If I go to Forms Manager and then try to edit a form nothing happens - I still see the list of forms but the buttons at the top have changed to Save Cancel etc.
I can’t even create a new form. When I click NEW I still see the list of forms but the buttons at the top have changed to Save Cancel etc.

Joomla 2.5.57 – Template based on joomlart.
I only have 2 small form – a contact form with 4 fields – an employment form with 13 fields.
Magic quotes are off
Hosted on rochen

Any suggestion on what the issue might be would be much appreciated

GreyHead 23 Oct, 2014
Hi Johk,

This is difficult to diagnose. It sounds as though there may be a JavaScript error on the admin page - but I'm not certain about that. By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 24 Oct, 2014
Hi Johk,

I can't see anything obvious to explain the problem. It may be that the Akeeba Admin Tools or some server setting are blocking the links from working.

You might also try updating ChronoForms to the latest release of your version for Joomla! 2.5

johk 25 Oct, 2014
i updated the chronoform component and it is now working ok

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