
Uploaded files not uploading

todash19 19 Oct, 2014
My first form, thanks in advance for any help.

Everything works great thus far, save for the uploads not making it to the server.

My Debugger message:

[chronoform] => Seasonal-Application
[event] => submit
[locations] => District @ Tustin Legacy
[text64] =>
[text65] =>
[Name] =>
[address] =>
[text24] =>
[cell] =>
[email] =>
[datepicker62] =>
[high-school] =>
[graduate1] => 0
[college] =>
[graduate2] => 0
[current-employer] =>
[current-position] =>
[employer1] =>
[former-employer-1-phone] =>
[former-employer-1-start] =>
[former-employer-1-end] =>
[former-employer-1-title] =>
[former-employer-1-reason] =>
[former-employer2] =>
[former-employer-2-phone] =>
[date-started-2] =>
[date-ended2] =>
[employer2-title] =>
[employer2-reason] =>
[employer3-name] =>
[employer3-phone] =>
[employer3-start-date] =>
[employer3-end-date] =>
[employer3-position] =>
[employer3-reason] =>
[availablitiy] =>
[personal-ref-1] =>
[ref1-phone] =>
[personal-ref-2] =>
[personal-ref1-phone] =>
[personal-ref3] =>
[personal-ref3-phone] =>
[felony] =>
[text49] =>
[text50] =>
[captcha] =>
[button68] => Submit


At the end of the debugger log, there is a pink section labled errors, and it says this:


Thanks again!
Max_admin 19 Oct, 2014
Your debug doesn't show the uploads configured, please check the demo form for file uploads, it should show you how the uploads action should be configured!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
todash19 19 Oct, 2014
I found the issue to be that the Files Config field in Action Settings didnt match the Field Name and Field ID in Element settings.

Now that they match, I now get an error after uploading txt file. - "Sorry, Your uploaded file type is not allowed."

Field Name and Field ID are file_upload.

Files Config setting is file_upload:txt
Max_admin 19 Oct, 2014
Do you have a dash "-" in the "extensions separator" field in the upload action settings ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
todash19 19 Oct, 2014
That was it! Added the hyphen in "extensions separator" and the file has uploaded
Since I was only accepting one format (txt) I didn't think I'd need the hyphen.

Thanks again!
Max_admin 19 Oct, 2014
Good, you have the latest update ? it should show you a red error under the action when the hyphen is not added!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 19 Oct, 2014
Hi todash19,

There's no sign of an Upload Files action in your debug output. Do you have one in your form? If so, what are the settings in it.

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