
Create a wish list with Chronoforms?

jjspelman 09 Oct, 2014
I wonder of CF5 can create a wish list where someone would log in, enter an item into a form that they would like for Xmas, birthday, wedding, whatever, and pin submission it would publish directly to the page and continue listing items as time goes by? Just curious.
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2014
Hi JJspelman,

I don't see why not. You can save 'wish' to a DB Table, then retrieve a list by individual and display them using a basic listing in a second CF form or a fancier one using CC.

jjspelman 09 Oct, 2014
Is this something a non-programmer like myself can accomplish? If not, no worries, I'll just set it up like a blog.
What is a CC?
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2014
Hi jjspelman,

There's nothing very complicated, I'd suggest that you have a go with a very simple version - add the bells and whistles later.

CC is ChronoConnectivity.

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