setQuery($query);$num_rows = $db->getNumRows()if ($num_rows === 0) { return "fail";} else { return "success";}?>"> Problem with Event Switcher - Forums


Problem with Event Switcher

TRIJ 08 Oct, 2014
Hello all,

i have started my first projekt with Chronoforms ... and as expected i have my first problem πŸ˜‰

I created a Form to save data to a database. That was easy. ( With this forrum ...πŸ™‚ ). Next step would be a check before saving if this data already exists in the database. I have two field with prename and surename. I want to check if there is already a combination of this in the database or not.
I found the EVENET SWITCHER. For first test i just have two Display Message event for both cases. One Returns "Data ok" the other " Data exists"

My problem is now, that there is never any Message displayed. I fear i have a error in my code so no case is occured ...
Can anybody help me ?

Thx and Greets from Germany

... my code for the event switcher is :
$db =JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "
    SELECT `id`
    FROM `#__Data_Player`
    WHERE `player_vn` = '{$form->data['player_vn']}'
    AND  `player_nn` = '{$form->data['player_nn']}'
$num_rows = $db->getNumRows()

if ($num_rows === 0) {  
    return "fail";
}  else {
    return "success";
calculus00 08 Oct, 2014
Hello TRIJ,
I'm not a Chrono professional, but after checking your new post, I think that the following links may help:
Event switcher
P.S: I'm just an automated serviceπŸ˜‰
Max_admin 08 Oct, 2014
Please debug this line of code, using an "echo" statement in a "custom code" action:

$query = "
    SELECT `id`
    FROM `#__Data_Player`
    WHERE `player_vn` = '{$form->data['player_vn']}'
    AND  `player_nn` = '{$form->data['player_nn']}'

Does it work as expected ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
TRIJ 08 Oct, 2014
Hi Max,

if i use an "echo" for the colplete expression i get nothing. if i insert an "echo ($query);" after the expression i get a message in form of :

SELECT `id` FROM `#__data_player` WHERE `player_vn` = 'Tim' AND `player_nn` = 'IJsselstein'

i tried a "echo ($num_rows); but i there is now message then😟

GreyHead 08 Oct, 2014

Please try this version:
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "
    FROM `#__Data_Player`
    WHERE `player_vn` = '{$form->data['player_vn']}'
      AND  `player_nn` = '{$form->data['player_nn']}' ;
$count = $db->loadResult();
$result = 'fail';
if ( $count > 0 ) {
  $result = 'success';
return $result;
You may also need to add some validation to check that the values in $form->data[''] exist and are set.

TRIJ 08 Oct, 2014
Many Thx to Max and Bob.

Best Regards from Germany 🀣
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