
Problem adding fields to form and updating table

sethmorris 08 Oct, 2014
I have added some fields to my form, but not sure how to update the table.

If I select the form, and Create Table, it looks as though the added fields are in red, not checked, and the new field id's are blank.

What is the proper way to update the table?
GreyHead 08 Oct, 2014
Hi sethmorris,

The Create table icon can be used to create a new table but not to edit an existing one. Please see this FAQ for some suggestions.

Note: In CFv5 if you change the columns in a table you must then click the Delete Cache icon in the Forms Manager Toolbar to update ChronoForms' table records.

sethmorris 08 Oct, 2014
Thank you Bob,
I'm not sure if this is related but I did make a copy of the report, unlink the table, add the new fields and try to create a new table with a new table name and get an SQL error as follows... I did clear cache as well... and also receive the error in PHPmyadmin

 SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pk428_chronoengine_chronoforms_datatable_Application` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `uniq_id` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `user_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `modified` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `hearabout` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `first_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `last_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `phones` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `mobile_phone` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `current_address` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `current_city` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `current_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `current_zip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `current_years` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emergency_contact` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emergency_number` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emergency_relationship` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_address1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_city1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_state1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_zip1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_years1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_address2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_city2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_state2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_zip2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_years2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_address3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_city3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_state3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_zip3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_years3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_address4` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_city4` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_state4` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_zip4` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `pre_years4` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_name1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_relation1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_phone1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_years1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_name2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_relation2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_phone2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_years2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_relation3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_phone3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ref_years3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `convictions` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `conviction_explain` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `drug_test` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp1_equip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp1_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp1_from` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp1_to` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp_miles` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp2_equip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp2_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp2_from` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp2_to` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp2_miles` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp3_equip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp3_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp3_from` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp3_to` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `exp3_miles` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_date1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_violation1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_state1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_vehicle1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_date2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_violation2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_state2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_vehicle2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_date3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_violation3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_state3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `traffic_vehicle3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_date1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_nature1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_fatality1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_towed1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_hazmat1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_date2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_nature2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_fatality2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_towed2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_hazmat2` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_date3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_nature3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_fatality3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_towed3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `acc_hazmat3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `g_font_6` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic_number` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic_expire` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic2_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic2_number` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic2_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic2_expire` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic3_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic3_number` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic3_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `lic3_expire` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_phone` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_address` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_zip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_position` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_start` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_end` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_salary` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_reason` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_explain` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_regulation` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp1_dot` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_phone` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_addres` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_city` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_zip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_position` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_from` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_to` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_salary` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_reason` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_explain` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_regulation` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp2_dot` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_phone` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_address` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_city` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_state` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_zip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_position` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_from` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_to` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_salary` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_reason` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_explain` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_regulation` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `emp3_dot` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `signature` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `signature_date` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `agree_terms` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `button128` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 
GreyHead 08 Oct, 2014
Hi sethmorris,

If I try this I get this error message:
"Error Code: 1118. Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs"

In fact you probably just need to change some of the VARCHAR sizes to something less than the default 255. For example. phone numbers can be say VARCHAR(32) and emails VARCHAR(64). Any Textarea inputs should probably be set to Type TEXT

Please see this FAQ for a bit more info.

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