
Paypal IPN notify url

otaksone 06 Oct, 2014
I have many form with paypal payment, a payment that is accepted must send an email , how to set the notify url on paypal ? if I have different form how do I specify ?

GreyHead 06 Oct, 2014
Hi otaksone,

If you are using IPN then you can send the Notify URL to PayPal with the other payment information. That will over-ride any default Notify URL set for your account.

otaksone 06 Oct, 2014
Thank you GreyHead,
but where do I insert the url in the paypal listener?
GreyHead 07 Oct, 2014
Hi otaksone,

I don't think that you need it in the Listener - it goes in the Extra Params box of the PayPal ReDirect action if you are using that. I'm not very familiar with Max's PayPal actions :-(

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