
Site Validation Stopped Working

baxterdown 30 Sep, 2014
Hi guys,

One of my site validations stopped working. I was getting the ERROR LOADING FEED DATA warning. As soon as I disabled the tip of the day CF started showing as not validated. I tried both reinstalling CF and re-validating the domain and nothing.

The domain is state****.com and the license code ends with 6a23.

I submitted a contact form yesterday via your website but didn't hear back.

Please advice ASAP.


GreyHead 30 Sep, 2014
Hi Jose,

You do need Max for this one I think; I know that he has been travelling recently.

The error message shows because the 'Tip' feed was stopped when the site here was upgraded (at least I think that was the cause). I wouldn't expect that turning that off would effect the validation though :-(

baxterdown 30 Sep, 2014
Hi Bob, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I had searched the forum and learned that turning the tip feed off would solve the warning. But, I'm stomped on the validation issue and the client is pissed-off because they are going to a trade show and are signing people up on their site and don't want the CF branding on the form.

Please see if you can reach Max. I'd appreciate it.


Max_admin 30 Sep, 2014
Hi Jose,

Just replied to your email, you have to enter the key in the "parameters" box then validate under the validate installation page, its 2 steps in v3

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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