From page 2 to page 1 it works also OKSpäť.But when I click button from page 3 to page 2 I get 404"cf_sid"); ?>'>SpäťHow can I fix this issue?"> Multipage form - back button - document expired - Forums


Multipage form - back button - document expired

yaro8 30 Sep, 2014
I have a form with 3 pages. I want to create back button to get back to previous page.
I used chronoforms Back button.
<input type='button' name='back' value='Späť' class='tlacitko' onclick='history.back()' />

When I want to get back from page 2 to page 1 it works OK, but when I want to get back from page 3 to page 2 in Firefox and Chrome I get the message document expired.
I tried to create links to previous pages like this
DEFAULT_FORM_LINK&event=STEP_EVENT&cf_sid=<?php echo $form->data("cf_sid"); ?>

From page 2 to page 1 it works also OK
<a href="index.php/sk/administracia-stanic/pridaj-prispevok">
<button type="button" class="tlacitko">Späť</button>
But when I click button from page 3 to page 2 I get 404 error.
<a href='index.php/sk/administracia-stanic/pridaj-prispevok&event=Pridaj%20Prispevok&cf_sid=<?php echo $form->data("cf_sid"); ?>'>
<button type="button" class="tlacitko">Späť</button>

How can I fix this issue?
BjoernS 20 Aug, 2015

I have the same problem. Is there any solution now?
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