I used the demo version of demo-basic-contact-captcha in Joomla 3.3.3.
But I get the: You have entered a wrong verification code! error.
Please, how can I fix this ?
I didn't edit nothing from the demo version.
You can try it here:
Hi iwannaexnet,
The problem here is that you have a second form in the footer that is also using Captcha and they are getting mixed up. I know that Max is looking at a fix for this bug.
In the meantime I suggest that you switch one form to use a different form of security. Personally I prefer the HoneyTrap as it is invisible to normal human users.
I'm also getting this error. Only have one form on the page.
Chronoforms_V5.0.3 validated
Hi BradC,
I tested but didn't see any error message.
It's possible that the form isn't submitting correctly because of the SEF URLs, please try setting Relative URL to NO in the form HTML (Render Form) action.
Hi Bob
It could just be a timing issue. After you had no errors, I also did a test with no error. I then changed Relative URL to NO, as I liked the idea of going to a new page. Saved the form and tested again, error returned. Changed Relative URL back to YES, error remains. Form returning the error at the moment.
By the way, I test using the Test form button and I get the same error on my development server.
Hi Brad,
Do you have site caching turned on - that could prevent the Captcha being set properly.
Hi Bob
Caching is off.
Could there be something my hosting provider has or has not enabled for the site?
Hi Brad,
The form still submits OK for me using Chrome.
Looking more closely at the source it looks as if the form is inside <p> tags, that makes the HTML technically illegal and some versions of IE will not then submit. Please try switching the <p> tags to <div> tags.
PS You have alphanumeric validation on the textarea which blocks any punctuation like , or .
Hi Bob
Thanks for you help on this.
Also using Chrome to test. What I have noticed is that the form will submit the first time but fail on subsequent tries.
I have change the <p> to <div> and removed alphanumeric validation from the textarea.
Have another form, it also has the same issues.
Hi Brad,
Hard to know - I just submitted that form four times without any error.
You can try switching to the HoneyPot to see if that behaves differently for you.
Hi Bob
I've switched to HoneyPot and no verification errors, but we now get spam from the form.
How can see if the HoneyPot field is being added? I don't see anything looking at the source.
Hi Brad,
I don't see it on the Leasing form page, have you added all three parts. The element on the Designer tab; the Load action in the On Load event and the Check action - with an Event Loop in the Fail box - in the On Submit event?
Hi Bob
I can't see how you link the element (Dropdown) in Designer tab, to the Load Honeypot or Check Honeypot in Setup tab.
Hi Brad,
Sorry, my mistake, there is no element needed for the Honeypot, the On Load action adds it automatically.
Hi Bob
If I look through the form source I don't see any Honeypot hidden field. I have Load Honeypot method as Static.
This is how I have the Setup tab.
Also I know it's not working as I get lots of spam😟
Hi Bob
I had made a change to the enquiry form, adding server validation and had used the wrong field in the Not empty. Changed the entry, so it should be working now.
Thanks for your help.