
Send e-mail by Exchange 2007 Server

Austre 25 Sep, 2014
Until yesterday my Chronoforms was configured to send e-mail by an Exchange Server 2003, with anthentication. Since today, i don't have that server anymore and the new server is an Exchange Server 2007.

This new Exchange Server and Joomla Server is on the same network, so they have no firewall restrictions. By the way, i can send an e-mail with Anonymous Authentication.

I configured Chronoforms E-mail Settings to use the new Exchange Server and when i test, the form returns:

Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed.

My Chronoforms E-mail Settings are:

Any clue?
GreyHead 26 Sep, 2014
Hi Austre,

Please ask Max using the Contact Us menu above and link to this thread. I know that there was a bug in some versions of CFv5 that had problems with SMTP when there was no SMTP Security, I'm not sure if that is fixed in the latest release but I think that there is a patch for it.

Austre 30 Sep, 2014
Version 5.0.2 Chronoforms Component work fine, i just donwloaded and instaled.
Thanks Bob and Max!
Austre 18 Nov, 2014
Supplementary information on this subject!!!

I said that sending email had worked with CFv5.0.2, but actually only worked for emails from my domain. Searching some sites, i realized that left a command to execute at Exchange Management Shell to make my Exchange Server 2007 Connector send emails to another domains.

The command is:

Get-ReceiveConnector "NameOfYourExchangeConnector" | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"

Just remembering!

At my enviroment i have an Exchange Server 2007, with a Connector that accept SMTP connections in a specific port, without Security and Authentication from applications in my net of servers.

Site that helped me:
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