
adding chrono registration custom fields in user profile

Martooti 21 Sep, 2014
I just start to use Chronoforms and I it is working just great with me, thanks a lot for this component!
Recently I make a joomla registration with Chronoforms with new custom fields, but unfortunately those fields do not show up in the user profile (both administrator and front end area). How can I manage this?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions,
GreyHead 21 Sep, 2014
Hi Marti,

You can't or shouldn't. Use a separate table to save the data and include the User ID to attach it to a particular user.

Martooti 24 Sep, 2014
Thank you for your advice. I made a new table with Chronforms to save the data there. Unforunately the user_id column always show 0 value. I found a post where was written that it show 0 for guest - people who didn't log in yet. But I make a test, I logged in as one of the users and the 0 value for user_id didn't change. Any suggestions? Maybe I should use id column or uniq_id instead?
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