
character counter disables mask

tico92 17 Sep, 2014

I installed the character counter jquery.maxlength.min.js and it works fine.
However in my form I have a date mask in a text box that doesn't work anymore.
Without the character counter it says ddmmyy, but with the character counter it doesn't show anymore.

How can I solve that?

GreyHead 17 Sep, 2014
Hi Tico,

The two shouldn't interfere with each other (though I think that there are some bugs in the CFv5 masking library).

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

tico92 19 Sep, 2014
Hi Bob,

here is the link to the form .

not only the mask doesn't work, but also my dropdowns won't work.
when I delete the Load JS script, all works fine.

GreyHead 19 Sep, 2014
Hi Tico,

It looks to me as if the inputmask library isn't being loaded. If you look with your web browser developer tools you will see that the file is listed but has no content. For some reason it has a different URL from the other files - that may be the problem, I don't think that JavaScript can be loaded from one domain to another:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

tico92 19 Sep, 2014
Hi Bob,

never saw that. My mistake, i have been testing this new form at another URL and used the wrong domain name.
You can read it over and over again, and never notice it. Sorry to bother you with this, but i learned again to be more precise.
My apologize and thank you very much, I would never have found it,

Thanks again
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