
Login error - Call to undefined method CfactionChronoConnectivityTask::permission_deny

marcinwolejko 16 Sep, 2014
With one user I have a strange error showing up on login:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method CfactionChronoConnectivityTask::permission_deny() in /path/public_html/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/chrono_connectivity_task/chrono_connectivity_task.php on line 139

Any clue what this could be???
GreyHead 16 Sep, 2014
Hi marcinwolejko,

I've not seen this error before but looking at the code I see that line 139 has
while the four other similar lines are all
I suggest that you try changing $this to $MyConnection and see if that fixes it.

Max_admin 17 Sep, 2014
You may also try to update your CF to the latest v4 release which may fix the issue!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
marcinwolejko 17 Sep, 2014
Hi Bob and Max.
Thank you for both answers.
I've chosen to upgrade first and apparently it did the job. For the time being that user with problems accessing the component does not seem to face that issue anymore.

Thanks again🙂
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