
Upload Files [GH] problems using Model_ID

faros 15 Sep, 2014
Hi and thanks for this great component!
I have a form used by CC to edit and update data in a table, it contains also a Upload Files [GH] and i use Model _id.
I add the name of my MODEL_ID before each name of field as it is recommended. This works great for normals fields like i.e. 'Name' wich is now 'ModelId[name]'...
Strangely it is absolutely impossible to make it work for my image upload.

The problem is that The Action does not work, the file is not uploaded (even if the fonder is created correctly) and no path is saved in the db.
I also try to use a Custom Code before the Upload file Action with the code inside:
$form->data['fileupload_consult'] = $form->data['RichiestaConsulenza']['fileupload_consult'];

and in the "files" field of the Upload Files [GH] action I use fileupload_consult:doc-docx-pdf.

But it doesn't work :-(
Please some one can give me any suggestion?
GreyHead 15 Sep, 2014
Hi faros,

I've updated the action to handle a Model ID and sent you a link by PM. Please test and let me know if you find any problems.

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