This is the form for which I am using chronoforms.. When I do "create table", it shows only 4 fields. But I want all the input types to be the fields. Please let me know whats the wrong with this..
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 align=center border=0>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061> Photo(Is must.. else dont submit)</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=file name=Photo>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Your name </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Name>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Your user name (In this website) </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Uname>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Contact Email </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Email>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Male/Female </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="radio" name="Sex" value="male"> Male
<input type="radio" name="Sex" value="female"> Female
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Itinerary</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INOUT type="textarea" name=Itinerary rows=6 wrap=PHYSICAL cols=50> (Airline, Flight No. [From, Dep Time, Dep Date -- To, Arr Time, Arr Date] ) </FONT></SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Date of Arrival(mm-dd-yyyy) </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Date> eg. 08-15-2004
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Time of Arrival</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Time> eg. 15:40(American Time)
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Airplane Name & No</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Plane> eg. Delta 141
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Undergrad/grad and major</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Major> eg. MS CS
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>City / State</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=City>eg. Pune, MH
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Do you need pickup? </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="radio" name="Pickup" value="male"> Yes
<input type="radio" name="Pickup" value="female"> No
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Do you need Temporary Accommodation? </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="radio" name="Temp" value="male"> Yes
<input type="radio" name="Temp" value="female"> No
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Extra info </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="textarea" name=Extra rows=6 wrap=PHYSICAL cols=50>If you know an ODU student already and have arranged to stay with him/her temporarily, please type his/her name here(optional). Also, type in any special needs.
<INPUT type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit">
This is the form for which I am using chronoforms.. When I do "create table", it shows only 4 fields. But I want all the input types to be the fields. Please let me know whats the wrong with this..
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 align=center border=0>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061> Photo(Is must.. else dont submit)</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=file name=Photo>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Your name </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Name>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Your user name (In this website) </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Uname>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Contact Email </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Email>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Male/Female </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="radio" name="Sex" value="male"> Male
<input type="radio" name="Sex" value="female"> Female
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Itinerary</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INOUT type="textarea" name=Itinerary rows=6 wrap=PHYSICAL cols=50> (Airline, Flight No. [From, Dep Time, Dep Date -- To, Arr Time, Arr Date] ) </FONT></SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Date of Arrival(mm-dd-yyyy) </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Date> eg. 08-15-2004
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Time of Arrival</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Time> eg. 15:40(American Time)
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Airplane Name & No</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Plane> eg. Delta 141
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Undergrad/grad and major</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=Major> eg. MS CS
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>City / State</FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style20><FONT color=#000061>
<INPUT type=text name=City>eg. Pune, MH
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Do you need pickup? </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="radio" name="Pickup" value="male"> Yes
<input type="radio" name="Pickup" value="female"> No
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Do you need Temporary Accommodation? </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="radio" name="Temp" value="male"> Yes
<input type="radio" name="Temp" value="female"> No
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width="45%"><SPAN class=style27><FONT color=#000061>Extra info </FONT></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="55%"><SPAN class=style18><FONT color=#000061>
<input type="textarea" name=Extra rows=6 wrap=PHYSICAL cols=50>If you know an ODU student already and have arranged to stay with him/her temporarily, please type his/her name here(optional). Also, type in any special needs.
<INPUT type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit">