
Where Chronoform stores form configuration parameters?

jeffepalmares 10 Sep, 2014
Hello all,
First of all it is my first time here so if I make some mistake please forgive me🙂
I am new using chronoform and I need to know where chronoform engine stores form configuration parameters?

For example I have a form which one send an email to an administrator user, so my form has some email configurations like which field it should send into my email message what I need to know is where chronoform stores this information. I checked out my database and I saw just two tables "#_chronoengine_chronoforms" and "#_chronoengine_extensions" in this table I found my html form code but I didn't find the email configuration parameter.

Thanks in advantage and forgive me for my bad english!
GreyHead 11 Sep, 2014
Hi jeffepalmares,

You can edit the Email settings including the template in the ChronoForms Forms Manager. Click the form name link to open the Form Editor.

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