
Form shows and works in preview, but...

webmasterancilla 03 Sep, 2014
My new form works and is visible when I use Front end view from the Forms Manager or Test Form in the Wizard view. It even connects with Authorize.Net and gets an approval.

The problem is that when I try to make a new menu link to the form on my Main Menu the form doesn't show, just the ChronoForms strap link. I can make the form show up using the module and curly brackets to insert into a new article, but then that version of the form doesn't function. It returns an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.

Any idea what's going on?
webmasterancilla 03 Sep, 2014
I guess I can just send people to the same link I use for the Front end view.
I just wish it made sense to me why I can't link from the menu.
GreyHead 03 Sep, 2014
Hi webmasterancilla,

What URL does the Menu item take you to?

What is the URL from the View Form link in the Forms Manager?

webmasterancilla 03 Sep, 2014
For an unrelated issue we just changed the server location and some A records for the domain name after I posted this.
I'll reply again with the URLs when I'm sure the DNS has updated. There's not much point until that happens across the web.


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