
Form does not accept leading non-ASCII characters in input

ElToro1966 03 Sep, 2014
Have a problem with forms created in Chronoform V3 that do not accept leading non-ASCII characters in input. When users enter names that begin with non-ASCII characters in text fields in the form, they get the message "This must be filled out", as if there was nothing in the field.
GreyHead 03 Sep, 2014
Hi ElToro1966,

Please check the version of ChronoForms you are using. CFv3 only runs on Joomla! 1.5 so that probably isn't correct - it's more likley to be CFv4 or Cfv5

I just checked v5 with this string - ŠÛà - in a Text input and it is submitted correctly.

ElToro1966 04 Sep, 2014
Hi Bob,

You are right. The version is 4.0.1.

This is the form:
ElToro1966 04 Sep, 2014
Should I perhaps change to V5?
GreyHead 04 Sep, 2014
Hi ElToro1966,

I think that it is because you have the validation set to Alpha only and that will only accept a-z. Try removing that validation and all should be OK

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