
Store URL parameter

webfeuerflo 29 Aug, 2014
Hi, is it possible to fetch an URL Parameter and store it in a hidden field?
I want to send the user to the contactform with the URL Parameter and then habe another app that checks if the form with this parameter is stored in the db.
Thank you!
GreyHead 29 Aug, 2014
Hi webfeuerflo,

Just give the hidden input the same name as the parameter in the URL and ChronoForms will set the value for you.

webfeuerflo 01 Sep, 2014
one more question: i have a hidden field with the name "id" and it stores the parameter in the database. how can I use this parameter in the redirect url after submit?
I created a redirect url action and set the url and in the params field I entered id=id. this sends the user to the correct url but with id=id at the end not the correct value.
What is wrong here?
webfeuerflo 01 Sep, 2014
strange, it works if I enter the complete redirect url including http and not only the relative path...
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