
Auth.Net (plug-in) two values

webmasterancilla 28 Aug, 2014
I'm entering Customer's Amount Field In the Fields dialog box.
The value could come from one of 2 input fields or both of them depending on how the customer fills out the form.

I put this in the box, but it threw an error:

input_select_14, input_text_16

Is there an easy way to make this work?
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2014

Sorry for the delay!

This is not going to work, you need to add the amount to the $form data array using a "Custom code" action before the "" action:

$form->data["amount_field"] = 99; // or combine 2 fields values..etc

where "amount_field" is the field name used in the amount field name box in config

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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