i want to restrict the JQuery Datepicker to display only Year and months:
Regarding to this information https://www.chronoengine.com/faqs/70-cfv5/5216-date-control-using-cfv5-date-picker-element.html i already managed it to adapt the Datepicker through the Extra params field:
Now i tried to achieve my goal by using the minViewMode setting ( Restrict the picker from selecting days)
by using http://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/options.html#format as reference
But it didn´t work ...
1. Is there a Link which describe all settings which can be used im the Extra params for the CF5 Date Picker field?
2. How can i achieve to display only month & year on the datepicker?
Any hint ord infomration would be great!
Thanks for your help,
i want to restrict the JQuery Datepicker to display only Year and months:
Regarding to this information https://www.chronoengine.com/faqs/70-cfv5/5216-date-control-using-cfv5-date-picker-element.html i already managed it to adapt the Datepicker through the Extra params field:
data-start_date=<?php echo date("d.m.Y"); ?>
Now i tried to achieve my goal by using the minViewMode setting ( Restrict the picker from selecting days)
by using http://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/options.html#format as reference
But it didn´t work ...
1. Is there a Link which describe all settings which can be used im the Extra params for the CF5 Date Picker field?
2. How can i achieve to display only month & year on the datepicker?
Any hint ord infomration would be great!
Thanks for your help,