I have 2 forms that were working fine, and now, I don't know since when, I get a blank page when :
- I use the "frontend view" option in chronoforms component -> forms manager
- I use the menu link of my site to display a form
when I use the plugin to display it in an article, it works !!
Any idea on how to solve this ?
Thanks a lot for your help ! :?
Hi wydo,
What is the name of the form? I can't think of many cases when the form will work in the plug-in but not from the direct link.
Hello GreyHead,
Here is an example with a form named "Contact" :
direct link
gives me a blank page
embedded in article (you have to scroll down), it shows up...
I have embedded all forms in article, but I would like to understand (I'm not a php or html expert, just a good joomla user)
Thanks a lot for your help
Please try to update your CF to the latest v4, by installing the latest version OVER yours, check if this helps ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hello Max,
I've installed this file : Chronoforms_V4.0.1_J2.5.zip
Was it the correct file to install ? (the versions are a bit confusing in the download page)
My version now says 4.0.1 but it has changed nothing...
Thank you for your help !
Then please set the "Error reporting" to maximum under your Joomla global config and check the blank page, does it show an error message ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I did this already, it is the first thing I've done. I had a "Strict Standard..." error that I have fixed (but it seems it is a known bug in joomla, harmless. Now, the reporting error is set to development and no error message.
Can it be related to the website host ?
Thanks for your help
I'm not sure, but did you try on "Maximum" instead of "Development" ?
Please also click right click and select "view source".
To be sure, you get a completely blank browser page, not just a blank body, correct ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I am having a similar issue where the "Frontend view" of my form is just a blank page (view source is also blank). I tried setting the error reporting to Maximum, but don't see any error messages.
I know the form itself works. If I link to the form through a menu item, it works fine. But it's not working with the "index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=" url.
This is for J2.5 with Chronoforms v4.0.1.
Any help would be appreciated.
The url you provided does not have a form name, so you should normally receive an error about the form not found, I'm not sure what might cause a blank page.
Do you have the latest v4 update for J2.5 ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I had omitted the form name in my post.
I am getting the blank page when I click on "Frontend view" from the Forms Manager.
I do have the lastest v4 version for J2.5.
The main reason I'm asking about this is because I'm having issues with the PayPal IPN. I am wondering if the blank page is related to the IPN not working, since the "notify url" uses this format: http://www.YOUR-DOMAIN.com/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=FORM_NAME&event=ipn
Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
Hi kko,
Do you have a form event called ipn?
A completely blank page is almost always a sign of a PHP error, can you check the server logs for clues?
I found the culprit for the blank page. It was caused by an old custom code hack to get the menu item meta description to show.
(Let me know if I should start a new thread for this...)
Yes, the form has an "On IPN" event. I have an email action at the top to test, but never get the email. I should still get the email if in sandbox mode, correct?
Hi Bob,
I have the "notify url" set up as http://www.YOUR-DOMAIN.com/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=FORM_NAME&event=ipn (where I replaced the domain name and form name) like the directions say here https://www.chronoengine.com/faqs/57-cfv4/cfv4-actions/2583-how-to-use-the-paypal-redirect-action.html.
Is there a different option?
I am able to go through and "complete payment" through sandbox mode. I do not get any emails and nothing is saved in the database.
Attached is a screenshot of the form set up. Am I missing something?
Hi kko,
Sorry I wasn't clear, please just try putting that url in your browser and see if that fires the email. Just to see if it works that way.
Hi Bob,
Yes, I got the test email by putting the url directly into the browser.
I found a typo in the "Notification URL" settings, and corrected it. Did a test of my form — did NOT receive the IPN test email, but received the "On Verified" email and looks like the record was saved into the database. However, the email I received showed the form variables instead of the values and the database record is blank for my fields. Is that because I'm testing in sandbox mode or is something wrong?
The "on verified" event is executed when the PayPal server calls the ipn url, if you want to check the data returned by PayPal at this point then you can use this code in your email template (v4):
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I did some tests and found that the empty email and empty database record were from me using PayPal's IPN simulator.
I tried the code Max provided, and got this when I triggered the IPN directly through the browser:
[option] => com_chronoforms
[chronoform] => (FORM NAME)
[event] => ipn
[Itemid] =>
When I test my actual form, I'm still not receiving any emails and no records are saved to the database.
Can you provide specific instructions for setting up so that upon completion of payment, form data is saved to database and an email is sent? I don't want any records saved to the database if payment doesn't go through.
So you don't get the email inside PayPal listener > on verified under any conditions ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I only get the On Verified email when I use the PayPal IPN Simulator. I don't get it when I fill out my form and complete the sandbox payment.
Hi kko,
It should work correctly from the sandbox. It looks as though the notify URL may not be being sent to PayPal correctly - so when PayPal uses it it fails.
If you turn Debug on and add a Debugger action do you see the parameters being sent to PayPal?
Hi Bob,
Can you provide assistance as to how to get the Debug info to show?
I have a Debugger for the On Load event and this shows:
Data Array:
[Itemid] => 403
[option] => com_chronoforms
[view] => form
Validation Errors:
However, the Debugger actions I have on the other events don't show since once I submit, the form redirects to PayPal.
Appreciate the support you and Max have been providing. I would really like to get this form working as soon as possible.
Please test using live purchases and set the amount to $1, it should work fine, some users reported conflicting issues with the sandbox before!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Tested a few live purchases and received the "On Verified" emails, however the emails show the form variables instead of the values. Also the record was saved into the database, but the field data is blank.
Seems like we're getting closer. Just need to figure out how to get the form data to the email and database. See attached screenshot of my setup. Keep in mind that I do not want any emails or database saves if payment is not completed. Please advise. Thanks.
Hi kko,
I think that PayPal returns quite a lot of useful data which you can access from the $form->data array, Now that the email is working you could dump this in the email template to see what is there.
Personally, I prefer to save the data before the PayPal payment, add a unique ID as an invoice number or a custom data item. Then that can be used on return to re-load the saved data which is usually more than is in the PayPal data return.
Hi Bob,
I don't really care about the data from PayPal; I need the data in my form. But what would you recommend if I didn't want any data saved unless PayPal payment has been made?
If you don't mind, can you post specific setup instructions? I want to make sure I get this working correctly.
Hi kko,
It is not possible to magically transfer the data from the from submission to the IPN Listener action. They are separate processes on the server that have no way of communicating. You either use the data that PayPal sends back - which is a mirroring of what you sent to them plus some extra fields; or you save the data somewhere and restore it. To store it somewhere you either use a database table or a file.
Hi Bob,
Please see attached screenshot. Is this how I would set it up if I want to save the data on submit (to a "temp" table) then restore and save (to the final table) after the IPN has been verified? I feel like I might be missing something. You mentioned adding a unique ID. Where do I do that, and how do I send that to PayPal and back?
I'm so close! I am able to save to my "temp" table and load the data once the IPN has been verified to send the email. However, the data didn't save into my final table. Any thoughts on that?
Hi Bob,
A few questions...
1) If I use that Custom Code action, do I still need the DB Save action?
2) Does this Custom Code go inside the On Record Found within the DB Record Loader?
Sorry for being so needy with the specifics. Since the sandbox isn't working properly, I have to do tests with live purchases, and I would like to minimize the number of tests as much as possible.
Hi kko,
1) If I use that Custom Code action, do I still need the DB Save action?
Yes, all that does is get a record id so that you can identify the record to be loaded/saved
2) Does this Custom Code go inside the On Record Found within the DB Record Loader?
No, I think it needs to run before the Record Loader .
I find it hard to work out what you are doing here. It seems very complicated.
Although Max said that you should test with the live account I personally have only had minor problems using the SandBox. You can also set the amount to say 10c for testing and you can cancel any test payments in PayPal within 30(?) days to give yourself a full refund including the PayPal fees.
Hi Bob,
Appreciate all the help you've been giving me.
Here is what I have set up (hopefully this makes sense to you, you can refer to my last screenshot posted):
[list=]1) Form On Submit, DB Save into a "temp" database table.
2) Redirect to PayPal. Pass "cf_id" value (I thought this identifies the record).
3) On IPN listener verified, DB Record Loader (load "cf_id" record from "temp" database).
4) DB Save to final database table. ( <--- This is what I'm having trouble with. )
5) Email form data (which works).[/list]
Again, if a user fills out the form, I only want DB Save and Email if payment has been completed at PayPal.
Please let me know your thoughts on how to get this to work, or recommended changes. Thank you.
Seeing a warning, not sure if it's related to my problem.
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined index: sandbox in [...]/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/paypal_redire... on line 19, referer: http://www.[...]/administrator/index.php
<input type="hidden" name="chronoaction[{n}][action_paypal_redirect_{n}_sandbox]" id="action_paypal_redirect_{n}_sandbox" value="<?php echo $action_params['sandbox']; ?>" />
Also in the form manager, under the Data View tab, am I suppose to select all the fields for my tables? I've never had to do this before, but thought I'd check.
Hi kko,
The PHP Notice can be hidden by setting Site Error Reporting to System Default or not none. It looks as though it's being set off by the SandBox setting in one of the PayPal actions, You can try setting this to Yes, then saving the action, then re-edit to set it back to No. That might add the missing value and clear the message.
I think that the Data View tab in CFV5 only adds the columns if the primary key column is 'id' - IMHO that's a bug. If you add specific column names then it seems to work OK. Personally I install the MijoSQL or AceSQL extension and use that to view the tables - it's much more flexible and effective than the CF Data Viewer.