
Daily Summary of active topics

oldmoldy 26 Aug, 2014
Does ChronoForum offer an option to subscribe to a daily summary of active topics (similar to what is sent out by Yahoo Groups)? I asked about this feature back in June and was told it was under development.
Max_admin 27 Aug, 2014

Yes, I still have this on the todo list, hopefully I will be able to finish it soon.

But I have some questions, you should get a list of ALL replies for ALL topics you are subscribed to ? what if the count of this is big, like 50 or more ? also what about BBCode in the email ? should it be parsed or stripped ? should this feature be per user or board wide ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
oldmoldy 27 Aug, 2014
The principle value of the 'summary' is to indicate the topics which have been active. I should have called it a digest instead of summary to stress the fact that we don't need much of the content and probably want to indicate the person who is the origin of the topic to add to (or detract from) the usefulness of the topic.

The value to the forum user is to reduce the number of emails that would otherwise clutter a person's inbox. From that perspective, if there are a great many topics (more than 50) it is of increased value to receive only one digest email instead of dozens of individual emails. I see little value for the BBCode extensions in the email since the most informative topics are written in plain text. In order to simplify the digest, I would expect that only one digest entry is needed per topic, no matter how many replies were made to that topic on a given day. It would help if the count of replies is included when there are multiple replies to the topic and that could substitute for the identity of the person who replied in such cases.

I would expect that each user would like the option of receiving the digest or not. If they chose to receive the digest, it could suppress emails resulting from individual topic subscriptions. If the digest were turned off, I would expect that any individual topic subscriptions would resume.

How soon would you expect a pilot-test version of this feature?
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