
Honeypot shows value

Mgringo 22 Aug, 2014

Seems to me a Bug in the Honeypot field! It shows this in frontend when checking Inspector!
<input type="hidden" value="1" id="fld1" class="form-control A" name="0c4e708aad3c6bdfc14a16e66040d044edf14d51">

A Honeypot field shoudl be Empty right? I get a lot of spam even using Honeypot!

Anbody an Idea?
Max_admin 22 Aug, 2014
Maybe this is a different honey pot type!πŸ™‚

Its just a security token, and we compare this value with another value stored in session, to make sure the form has been loaded first, and the field value was not changed, you can also enable the JS check to make sure the browser had JS enabled.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 23 Aug, 2014

Then it is a different HoneyPot, the one I know uses an empty normal input concealed with CSS or JavaScript so that a human user won't see or complete it - but a spam bot will - and then checks for any value set. See here

Max_admin 23 Aug, 2014
Hi Bob,

Ok, the original one can be done easily with the core fields, drag any field type, set "Load state" to "Hide parent", use server side validation in the "on submit" event to check the field was empty!πŸ™‚

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 24 Aug, 2014
Hi Max,

I checked that out and it seems to work nicely. Though it took me a while to work out that I needed to add input_name:message to the Server Validation boxes.

Max_admin 24 Aug, 2014
Great, I will add a default error message then!πŸ™‚

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 24 Aug, 2014
Hi Max,

The 'Help' message is correct but not easy to read. If you just put input_name in the box the validation fails to work.

And if I put input_name:This field should not be empty then it is impossible to tell which input it refers to. It needs to be something like input_name:The Email box should not be empty

Max_admin 24 Aug, 2014
I agree, I'm working on an improvement right now, its supposed that there will be a new update shortly!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Mgringo 25 Aug, 2014
Thank you both ... I'm going to try to make this workπŸ™‚ ... I'll let you know
Mgringo 25 Aug, 2014
I guess this works for me .... I've insert a new field named input_empty
<input id="input_empty" name="input_empty" type="hidden">

In server validation box I've put this line in Empty box:
"input_empty:Sorry Bots can't send!"
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2014
Hi Mgingo,

It will work a little better if you follow Max's instructions and make it a normal input hidden with JavaScript. That way bots see it but human users don't.

Mgringo 25 Aug, 2014
okay ... but how do I realise that? I don't get it work😟
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2014
Hi Mgingo,

Add a normal Text input, give it a name e.g. important_input and in the settings scroll down to the Load State setting and set that to Parent Hidden.

In the On Submit event add a Server Validation action and in the Empty box add important_name:Failed test

In the pink On Fail event of the Server Validation Action add a Show Stopper or a Redirect Action.

Mgringo 25 Aug, 2014
Okay thanks Bob ... I did it the right way but in a custom form ... only in Server validation on Fail I added an Event loop in it .. What does a show stopper do?
Mgringo 25 Aug, 2014

Hi Mgingo,

Add a normal Text input, give it a name e.g. important_input and in the settings scroll down to the Load State setting and set that to Parent Hidden.

In the On Submit event add a Server Validation action and in the Empty box add important_name:Failed test

In the pink On Fail event of the Server Validation Action add a Show Stopper or a Redirect Action.


This is what I have for now:
[attachment=0]Schermafbeelding 2014-08-25 om 16.59.22.png[/attachment]
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2014
Hi Mgringo,

That looks OK to me - though I'm not sure that you need the HoneyPot actions as well.

Mgringo 26 Aug, 2014
Hi Bob,

Did you tested it without the honeypot action?

GreyHead 26 Aug, 2014
Hi Mgringo,


Mgringo 26 Aug, 2014

Hi Mgringo,



Yes, I've tested it also without honeypot and it works fine!

Thank you all
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