
chornoform and dropdown list data for table saved ?

angykristal 19 Aug, 2014
:) Hello everyone
I have a problem with chronoform when I go to insert the dropdown field like this:
I set the fields in the dropdown so you can read the data in the table saved from a previous form that text1 and file2 as records and I have worked in this way:

in the setup form:
dbread: edit:
enabled = yes
table-name = mytable created by the previous form
Multiread = yes
enable model = yes
model id = lnt
fields = text1 // -> only field that should be listed

in the form designer:
insertion dropdown and edit:
dynamic data:
enabled = yes
data path = $ form-> data lnt ---- or $ form-> data ['lnt'] in both cases does not show anything.

I save all settings and start the test but does not appear in the dropdown list of the data record

I forgot something?
if I have to use the custom where I work?

sorry for my english (I use a translator)
thanks in advance and good work

angykristal 19 Aug, 2014
:D 😲
I have always solved thanks to the research into web
in the following setting:


in the setup form:
dbread: edit:
enabled = yes
table-name = mytable created by the previous form
Multiread = yes
enable model = yes
model id = lnt
fields = text1 // -> only field that should be listed

in the form designer:
insertion dropdown and edit:
dynamic data:
enabled = yes
data path = $ form-> data lnt ---- or $ form-> data ['lnt'] in both cases does not show anything.

I changed model id = lnt leaving it empty so that 'sets the default value of "Data"

then I changed data path = $ form-> lnt date with the value date

and at the end I added the two missing values ​​and text key value key

I apologize if I repeat what I already 'had to be the solution for both cf but having only installed version v5 escaped me some details of the v4, I hope that was helpful too😶

hello from angy; D😀 🙄
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