
Pdfdocument shows empty formentries with brace

jensfx 16 Aug, 2014

Some entries stays emtpy. IAt the pdf document happens that some of the entrie fields are not empty . they are shown in this way {formname}.
i know that is beta . But is their a workaround that the name of the form is not shown if the form isn´t filled out ?
GreyHead 17 Aug, 2014
Hi jensfx,

Presumably you mean 'input_name' rather that form name here?

I think that you have to manage that. Which version of ChronoForms are you using?

The simplest way is to make sure that all entries have a value, either by setting 'ghost values' or by checking the submitted data using PHP in a custom code action.

jensfx 17 Aug, 2014
hi thx for the answer ...
i use Verision 5

but how can i set a ghost values ?
jensfx 18 Aug, 2014
I have only problem in the formtype "checkbox group" so how can i give them a value ?
GreyHead 18 Aug, 2014
Hi jensfx,

In the Checkbox group settings scroll down to the bottom of the General tab.

jensfx 18 Aug, 2014
Great .. dat workes
if you enter " " in the field ghost value there is no issue at the pdf ...
that was the target
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