
remove white space between label and input

sharonbetts 16 Aug, 2014
How can I bring the label closer to the input box in a multi-field? The label sticks with the previous input box and is difficult to interpret for the user.
The form is

The worst spacing is near the bottom on the field area starting with: Bred Kuvaszok?

Thank you.
GreyHead 16 Aug, 2014
Hi sharonbetts,

Please try this in a Load CSS action
.gbs3 .form-horizontal .control-label {
  text-align: right !important;

sharonbetts 16 Aug, 2014
FAntastic - thank you so much. My CSS needs a lot of work.
sharonbetts 26 Aug, 2014
Can this be done with a theme other than Bootstrap? GCoreUI for example?
GreyHead 27 Aug, 2014
Hi sharonbetts,

Yes, I expect so, look at the HTML on the page and work out the CSS selector that is needed to identify the labels in the form.

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