
Error saving database - Chonoformsv5

Kronosites 12 Aug, 2014

I have some "error" when the form have to save all the data to a database.

Step1 - CreateDatabase from chornoform backend(administrator). ITS OK
Step2 - Link the "DBSave" from chronoform setup to this new database. ITS OK
Step3 - Try to send one form and test. FAIL: Some data is saved, but some data is NOT saved.

This is my setup form:

This is my DBSave setup:

The fields that are NOT saved to the database is only the "dropdown" data.... all kind of data is saved.

You can see my form here:
GreyHead 13 Aug, 2014
Hi Kronosites,

Do the columns for the drop-down elements exist in the table?

Please click the Delete Cache icon in the Forms Manager toolbar and see if that makes a difference.

If not, please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and copy and post the debug results here.

RobP 13 Aug, 2014
It may help if you load the table first.

Kronosites 18 Aug, 2014
This problem was solved.

- Change "Save under Model ID" to "YES" and "Multi-save" to "NO".
- Delete Caché.
- Create NEW table.
- "Link" this table to "DBSave".
- Now all works OK.

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