
multipage form in one or redirect to page one.

Ramia 12 Aug, 2014
The problem is people can access to page 2, 3 or 4 whit out pass the prev pages just type de url (index.php?option=com_chronoforms5&view=form&Itemid=154&chronoform=demo-multipage_empresa&event=page3)
¿How can I redirect users to page one if the prev pages are blanks?

GreyHead 13 Aug, 2014
Hi Ramia,

You can use a Custom Serverside validation action in the On Load event for each page to check if some values have been completed and redirect the user to an earlier stage if they haven't.

One simple way might be to add a hidden 'pages' input and add values to it each time a page is completed.
<input type='hidden' name='pages' id='pages' value='1,2,3' /> 

Ramia 15 Aug, 2014
Thanks The issue is solve...
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