
No visualize form link from the menu.

coheta 10 Aug, 2014
Good morning.
I downloaded I installed ChronoForms v5. I created a form with the name "Alcoholemia_Positiva". But it is not displayed. The steps I follow are:

1 Genero a link from the main menu under "menu item type" select "ChronoForms5 form".
2 In the "Options" tab I enter the name of the form "Alcoholemia_Positiva".

Then save. the form is not displayed. Using Joomla 3.3

Can you help?
Thanks in advance.
Max_admin 10 Aug, 2014
Hi Coheta,

Please double check the form name is the same, and its "case sensitive"

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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