
How to make a back button for a from with a multi-form

concept 05 Aug, 2014
I'm using a Form with 2 pages, like this :
[list]Page 1 : Forms + Button Submit[/list]
[list]Page 2 : Confirmation Page + Button Submit + Back Button[/list]
[list]Page 3 : Message + DB SAVE + Email[/list]

I have a problem : I don't found how to make a Back Button from the Designer page. The Submit button have only theses type : submit, reset, button.

GreyHead 05 Aug, 2014
Hi Eric,

You can use a Button and wrap it in a link - though I think that some versions of IE have problems with that. Otherwise, I think that BootStrap has a class that will format an ordinary link to look like a button.

concept 05 Aug, 2014
I'm sorry but I don't found solution to make a "back button". I red a lot of topics in this forum...

GreyHead 09 Aug, 2014
Hi Eric,

A back button would only need to have a link to the previous page?

Max_admin 24 Aug, 2014
A back button can be done in 2 ways:

Easy way using a Link (custom element):
<a href="page link here" class="btn btn-warning" />

Or using a normal submit button, the value can be "Back", use an "Event switcher" action on the top of the next event and check if the back button has been pressed, if it was then use an "Event loop" action to load the event you need.

Event switcher code:
return "back_event";

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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