
Submission article doesn't work correctly

greendragon 30 Jul, 2014
Hi everybody!
I'm trying to use Chronoform v4 to submit article from front end side. I created a simple form with a text field, text area and submit button. I also put Submit article action in On Submit event. The problem is that in article manager I see a row with the article inserted by the user without article title, so isn't clickable!
Can anybody help me?
Max_admin 30 Jul, 2014
Hi greendragon,

Did you map the form fields in the "submit article" action correctly ? it looks like you didn't and so the title is missing!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
greendragon 31 Jul, 2014
Thanks!!! It works!!! I wrote a wrong title...
But now I've another problem: I created a DB table and connected it to the form, but after article submission, I can't find the data in the table. It's completely empty. I also added a DB save action to on submit event and setted basic and advaced field. Is it a wrong setting? Thanks
Max_admin 04 Aug, 2014
Please use a debugger action after the "db save" to show you if the "db save" and post the debug report!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
greendragon 06 Aug, 2014
Hi Max,
I setted wrong db save action.

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