
Upgrade broke PayPal patch

Riceman 26 Jul, 2014

I upgraded Joomla 3.3.3 and also to the latest v4 chronoforms....beacuse the CH admin page was white. So it all works but my PayPal patch is broken. I reinstalled it....and the action says "full version" but when submitting the form it goes to a white page and never makes it to paypal....

what do i do?

You can see the form here:

Thanks for the help.....we are sending this out today to people so need a fix a.s.a.p. 🙂
Riceman 27 Jul, 2014
Just wanted to add that this was configured correctly and was working before the upgrade.
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2014
Hi Riceman,

Please check this FAQ and see if changing the error reporting helps pin down the problem.

Riceman 27 Jul, 2014
Seems like there is a newer version of the paypal patch that i need:

Could you send it to me? I did purchase it for this site.
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2014
Hi Riceman,

Sorry, I don't have a copy to send you. Please ask Max using the Contact Us menu above.

Riceman 27 Jul, 2014
Sent a message - Thanks
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