
How to combine multiple columns

smurf007 24 Jul, 2014
Is it somehow possible to combine several columns in CCF in the "Columns list" -box like:

Model1.field1:Field one
Model1.field2: Field two
Model2.field1 * Model2.field2: Field three
smurf007 28 Jul, 2014

No idea? Couldn't find a solution with Google🙂
smurf007 29 Jul, 2014
Tried with a possible solution as stated on:

No - go...😟 Any suggestions?
smurf007 05 Aug, 2014
No support, or no solutions??
smurf007 09 Aug, 2014
Still waiting😟
Xzerod 19 Aug, 2014
looking for an answer, too
Max_admin 12 Sep, 2014
Well, I'm not sure how this topic went unnoticed for so long, sorry for that, looks like we need a new forum feature to solve this problem!

So, you can do this using the "PHP functions" box:

You will need to have a virtual field defined in the columns list first, e.g: Model.sum:Sum, the "sum" field here may or may not be a table field, its just virtual, so we can use it in the bottom data processing boxes.

Now in the "php functions" box:
Model.sum:return Model2.field1 * Model2.field2;

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
smurf007 12 Sep, 2014
Hi, thanks!



And in the PHP-box: Model1.Score:return Model.field1 * Model.field2;

I got 'Model0field1' as a result. Doens't compute anything. Ideas?🙂
Max_admin 12 Sep, 2014
Well, it should actually be:
return $row["Model"]["field1"] * $row["Model"]["field2"];

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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